Portfolio B: Privigen

As a creative, there are often a lot of smaller projects that were fun or came out really nicely, but are too small or too niche to have a place in your main portfolio. I’ve recently been digging through my archives and decided to bring some of these unsung favourites – my Portfolio B – out to see the light of day.

This niche-healthcare-professional print campaign was such a dense technical brief, I was lucky I had my science-trained copywriter Harry (who even had a stick-and-ball molecule model in his desk) to share the load. 

The joy for me came in the immaculate still-life studio photography, using bespoke resin models and the excellent craft of still-life photographer Andy Rudak, plus a little polish in retouch.

These days it would probably be done in CGI – and probably look much the same and do the same job. But for me this process was a microcosm of what’s enjoyable about working in advertising (and becoming increasingly undervalued) – teamwork, craft, and pride in the work.