A fresh graphic approach for political party ‘merch’

Taking Green Party merchandise beyond the logo

Of the many volunteer roles I had with the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand over the years, from magazine design to brand oversight, revitalising their ‘merch’ offering was perhaps the most visible and popular mahi.

Although some people love just wearing a T shirt with a big logo, we’d heard that many were keen to be more than ‘walking billboards’ – plus the fundraising team needed something fresh to pique the interest of supporters who already had a wardrobe full of logo tees from previous years.

I led a collaboration with Waikato artists Kemi & Niko to develop a modular, graphic illustration system. A series of icons that would work together or singly, to bring an upbeat, artistic vibe but also adaptable for different shaped items and refreshed for seasonal and campaign cycles.

The suite of symbols, each with its own meaning, represent different elements of Aotearoa New Zealand’s culture, history, environment, indigenous life, and aspiration for a ‘greener future’.

The artwork was used across coffee cups, hats, T shirts, water bottles hoodies, wrapping paper, shopping bags, and tote bags, and most uniquely, underwear – with many items selling out in just hours and sometimes gathering media attention.

The new range was also the catalyst to rejuvenate the Shopify site and even add a decorative element to humble items like packing slips. The stainless steel water bottle is perpetually popular and still sold on the Greens’ site today.

Year 2018-2021

Country Aotearoa New Zealand

My roles Creative Lead / Designer / print production

Illustration Kemi & Niko

The zenith of the range was the 2021 Very Green Hoodie, an immaculately ethical garment developed in partnership with Wellington clothing brand Little Yellow Bird.