Campaign ideation and pitch for Pfizer. (click here for full PDF) The concept would have created a symbol for the burden of menopause using an elephant, with ‘documentary animation’ combining the audio of real stories with the cut-through of animation. I worked with a storyboard artist to convey the concept as loosely (and economically) as possible, to avoid preconceptions and leave latitude for the actual animation. The pitch was well received but Pfizer ultimately went with another agency/concept.

Campaign pitch to Novartis for the MS Life Hacks postcard series. It went ahead and looked great (see case study) but this deck illustrates the bigger, unrealised ambition for the campaign with interactivity and community engagement – including my trademark ‘campaign ecosystem’ diagrams.

Series of magazines (print and digital) guiding patients through a new Hepatitis C treatment. I developed the initial look and feel then worked with a designer, project manager, and copywriter to develop 12 issues over a 6 week period. Finding stock photography that would hit an aspirational but authentic tone was a challenge and a gratifying result, with positive patient feedback about imagery.

“Trailer” for a 21-minute film documenting a research project at Greenpeace – mostly an internal film but have recently tweaked proprietary elements so it can go ‘public’. I did all videography and directing/production, with an external editor, and collaborated with the lead researcher on infographics (a hand-drawn version presented in the film) Watch the full film here

This is a video I wrote, produced and edited to package and summarise the #FertilityAwks campaign for awards entries in the UK. I was brought onto the project when the basic concept was in place and worked in a classic art-director role bringing it all to life visually, working with a freelance producer and director. This was an ambitious 6-execution campaign mostly shown on Instagram, with matching Behind the Scenes videos, and even some follow-up pieces the influencers shot at home during lockdowns in 2020. This video will give you an overview of the campaign but you can see watch a couple of the best individual execution examples here and here

A pharmaceutical 'mode of action' film, designed to show doctors how a new alopecia drug works, and the genetic causes to hair loss. Most of the molecules and enzymes have no actual true shape, so it was a challenging but rewarding process creating a visual (and audio) narrative that would be faithful to the science, yet watchable and intriguing.

Exhibition stand at the Royal College of GPs conference, using an industrial ‘pipework’ aesthetic to deliver new information about a condition that is normally awkward to depict – and also overlooked or sidelined by doctors. The stand was only on a 3-metre square area but had a huge interest and laid the groundwork as a ‘market-shaping’ exercise for the product when it was launched later on.

An unusual editing opportunity for Greenpeace International. A very specific brief, complicated by the fact footage from the ‘action’ at sea would arrive at 6am and then need to be cut into a sizzle reel within an hour or two. So beforehand I prepared an edit timeline with graphics, music, and b-roll from training footage (the music especially was a nuanced decision – conveying a sense of action and determination without being bombastic) then fitting all the pieces and formats together as quickly as possible on the day, while keeping the storytelling compelling and super-snappy for social media audiences.